"...y colorín colorado, este cuento se ha acabado. lo guardo en un zapato rojo y mañana te cuento otro..."

martes, 17 de agosto de 2010

Disculpe, or, How to Spot a Chilean

Today, as I was waiting on the steps in front of a Poseidon fountain in the Plaza Aníbal Pinto, a Chilean woman came up to me and asked me for directions. Actually she asked me where she could catch the micro to Portales. Now, I’m fairly certain I don’t look like a Chilean. There just aren’t that many Chileans with freckles. There isn’t really one Chilean look though, because it’s a country of immigrants, many from Italy, Germany or England. In my first week here I asked a man for directions who I thought was Chilean but he answered me in unaccented English and didn’t know where I needed to go. So it’s not as easy as one might expect to pick out the foreigners from the natives. Since I’m not blonde, I blend in a little more easily than some other gringas but still, I really don’t think I look Chilean. So I was pleasantly surprised to have the woman ask me for help. Unfortunately, I have no idea where you catch a micro to Portales so my cover was blown. 

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