"...y colorín colorado, este cuento se ha acabado. lo guardo en un zapato rojo y mañana te cuento otro..."

domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

Valparaíso in color

Valparaíso is a city full of color. The most striking thing is the houses...all painted wonderful bright colors. My host dad told me that September is the traditional month to paint your house in Chile. I guess as sort of a preparation for the 18th and the patriotic celebrations. Our neighbors are painting their house but my dad told me he is thinking of waiting until to October to paint. Such a rebel. I don't have a picture of my own house but it is a lovely, sunflowery yellow. At some point I'll get a picture of it.

I spent the last week and a half looking for ways to show the colors of Valparaíso. Here's what I saw.

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